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dominant negative mutant中文是什么意思

用"dominant negative mutant"造句"dominant negative mutant"怎么读"dominant negative mutant" in a sentence


  • 显性负性突变体
  • 显性失活突变体


  • 2 ) the growth curves for different cells show that overexpression of gpil7p has no lethal effect on the yeast cells and only that of the dominant negative mutants can cause cells not grow
    2 )生长曲线的测定表明,过表达gpi17p对正常酵母细胞不致死,而只有显性负性突变体的过表达才会导致酵母细胞不能生长。
  • Interestingly , inhibition of p38 mapk activation ( but not erk activation ) by its inhibitors or by expression of a dominant negative mutant of p38 mapk could effectively block the chemotactic effect of ( - arrestin2
    P38mapk上游激酶ask1的显性失活突变体也可以阻断- arrestin2对趋化的增强作用。这说明是p38mapk而不是erk信号通路与- arrestin2对趋化的增强作用相关。
  • 3 ) foa ( fluoroorotic acid ) treatment with the dominant negative mutants showed that the dominant negative effects of mutants were caused by the presence of the gpi17 vector , not by another mutation located somewhere in the genome and in a gene involved in the natural resistance against copper
    3 ) foa ( 5 -氟-乳清酸)处理突变体细胞表明,得到的显性负性突变体不是细胞中铜抗性基因突变的产物,其确为gpi17突变引起。
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